Do y'all have a nice patio and place to grill?
Summer in Vermont is TOO short! And currently I'm living without a patio or deck. But I do own this cute little house on a dead end street with a really cute covered front porch. Cap and I currently working on a plan to makeover our porch. I'm going to repaint the floor this week. Then we need to decide what to do with the railings and steps.
I would really like to go to a more modern white vinyl railing for front and right side of the porch. My hope for the left side is to put in a set of stairs that will hopefully one day lead down to a cobblestone patio.
Doesn't this porch rail look awesome? I think this style would give our house the fresh and updated look I'm thinking of!!

Do you have "porch decor"?
Oh and look at this great idea that I stole from Kelly. She had a sip and see and look at the great way to serve a berry salad. I can't wait to host my first BBQ at the end of July. Yes, I'm totally going to do this!

So back to my dream of a patio. We only have about two and half months of beautiful (good) patio weather. And because I love to plan ahead and know what I should budget for I've been searching the perfect patio furniture set for said future patio. I blame this fixation on Lowe's! I've been looking since March when they started setting up their summer display. I just want some that will comfortably sit 4-6 people and something that will either winter well or be broken down for storage. Good thing my momma taught me "beggers can't be choosers!" Ha! In my world, I can be choosy!
Well tomorrow is going to be one of those beautiful patio days and I have to work. Shucks!
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