Monday, May 25, 2009




We the E's made an offer on the charming house at the end of the dead end street. It was only a few hours before we got the call that the seller ACCEPTED our offer. We went into the office to fill out the final offer paperwork. The inspection is in order for tomorrow at 9am. I can't help but be completely beside myself and second guessing our decision. I'm scared to death--this is the first HUGE purchase that we have ever made as a married couple other than our Hummer. At the same time I'm overjoyed by the experience. I <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
Doc and I have a love for grenades. I saw this soap and had to get it for him! And of course in Army Green!

Who doesn't love a Popsicle on a hot day? I saw these at Capital Kitchen and had to get them for my popsicle loving husband.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

SALE: $50K off

I frequent real estate sites just browsing. I love looking to see what is for sale and how outrageous some of the prices are on some of the homes and realizing how much money you would have to put into the home in most cases to bring it up to date and code.

I saw this particular home last September but it was well over the amount that we wanted to spend and then on top updating the home. While updating my page I watched the house drop $50K. I couldn't believe it! I immediately picked up the phone and called the Realtor to find out if it was a mistake. It was not! The seller dropped the price to get it off his hands before the next winter comes. It was his parents home and he doesn't want the extra lawn to mow this summer.

This house stole my heart.

I love that huge front yard. It's the last house on a dead end street which js a HUGE bonus. Oh those construction markers are for a drain that the city is currently working on. This will be Doc's second home. It is all ready for a wood stove:0)The side yard fit for a brick patio and a chaise chair. There is a brook down into the woods a bit and it's all you can hear. It is BEYOND peaceful in this yard. This is my favorite room in the house. A formal Foyer! I love that front door and gorgeous hardwood floor. Oh and I love the stairway. If it was my home I would change the lighting fixture.
This is the living room. Again I love the hardwood floors. There is lighting over the windows. Its a nice added lighting source in this room. This is the kitchen. If we were to purchase this home we would gut the kitchen and start over! Oh and remove that fucking ugly chair! I do love that this room has the original linoleum floors and the 1950's white metal cabinets that are in perfect condition. This room would be a FUN project! Of all the rooms in the house its the bedrooms that I dislike. It must be the faux painting and floral border. GAG! But I do love those hardwood floors and that would be all I love in this room.

All in ALL I love <3 this house.

I know God has been so good at providing for us. Continuing to put a roof over our heads. The odd thing was I prayed for this particular house that morning. Oddly enough I watched it with my own eyes. We'll be making a decision on this home in the next week or so.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Bedrest sucks!

That's right bedrest is the pitts!

On May 8, 2009 I was scheduled to have a pilonidal cyst removed out of my butt crack. I know, your thinking gross. But for me I'm thinking just how fucking painful it is . I was at the point where I didn't want to go the movies because half way through I would be so uncomfortable that I was half tempted to get up and leave. Instead I spent the second half moving every few minutes to try and regain comfort to no avail. Car rides over two hours required multiple stops so I could get up and walk and take the pressure of my tailbone.

May 8 came and I went in for surgery. The nurse blew my first IV not making me overly happy. I'm not a fan of IV's the thought of a fish line in my hand kind of bothers me. My surgeon, Dr. Z came in to see me in the pacu before I was wheeled into the operating room. I don't remember anything until I woke up in the recovery area of the pacu. Dr. Z was in the recovery room when I woke up from the sedation. He told me that I didn't have just one cyst but instead two were removed. He also told that what we discussed about the small incision on the inside of my butt cheek wasn't what he acutally had to do to remove them. I ended up with three incisions and one being 4 inches in length.

I'll sum it up. The recovery is HELL! Painful? Most definately Yes! I orginally had the weekend + monday after my surgery off from work. I went back to work for a half day on Tuesday and drove home in tears because I was in so much pain. Wednesday was the same thing only this time I thought I could vomit because the vicoden and ibprophen they had me on wasn't touching the pain. I ended up back at Dr.Z's office in tears. He immediately wrote me a note to be on a limited bed rest until May 21. I was ordered to the couch and bed staying off my butt/back as much as possible and being semi comfortable. The only way for me to be comfortable was to have constant hot/cold packs on my incision area. Dr. Z was wonderful he called me on Friday to see how I was doing.

Wednesday May 21 comes and I go to have my stitches out. Dr. Z looks and I'm ribbed a stitch out of the top incision so it looks like it has not healed correctly. Once he looked closer my body has been rejecting the stitches and started to grow away from them and then in one area right up and over them. Getting my stitches out was a BITCH! I've never been in so much pain. I left with a huge hole in my butt crack that we are to keep an eye on to make sure there is no infection. I left the hospital with tears running down my face because it hurt so bad.

May 22: Back to work. I still can't sit comfortably so instead I stood at my desk all day. Left an hour early.

Which brings us to Today. Back to see Dr.Z because Doc changed my dressing this morning only to have brown/dark yellow drainage a sure sign of infection coming from my open wound. My Boss sent me home. Dr. Z told me to remain home from work laying low. Dr.Z is concerned that he will need to split my incision and wick it to drain the infection. I'm not looking forward to anything like this taking place. I just want to be healed and back to work.

I'm SICK of being sick!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I was robbed.

Not only was today Mother's day but today was my due date for Baby E.

I'm bitter. Real bitter. The kind of bitter that gives you a sour taste in your mouth.

I know that God has a plan for D and I but I feel robbed. The loss of our child consumed me this afternoon. I wanted to scream but that wasn't an option D was doing homework. Instead I slept the afternoon away with the help of my pain medicine from Friday's surgery. It worked as a good coping mechanism.

Now that I'm awake---I again feel like someone stole something from me that I may never be able to experience.

It's the saddest feeling to have on this day of all days.

Tonight I'll go to bed knowing that I am a mother. a sad mother.

Oh, wait. I have Wallace that acts like a four year old. He takes on the best role of our child. He is our child! A fantastic boy at that. He wakes me up at 2am to go out. With him here it makes the feeling a little better. I can't help but think it's just not the same.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The E Home Tour: Living Room/Kitchen


I love Kelly over at Kelly's Korner! I started reading about her when she had just had Harper and was in need of some prayers. I can't stop following her. Perhaps it's her southern hospitality or the adorable little southern bell of hers that keeps me going back.

Kelly started this Home Tours addition last week. I wanted to participate but was working crazy hours and my condo was in shape to be seen by the world! Today I'm doing a double post of my living room and kitchen.

Things you should know about our home. My husband and I currently lease our 955 square feet condo with the option to purchase by November... We're going Monday to get our mortgage. Please pray that everything will work out for us.

Welcome To The ECondo!
I cleaned for you :0) Here is our living room disaster before.
This here is where you enter into our condo. I love the wooden sign with our established date on it that my husband got me. The bookcase holds our cookbooks, Wallace's boots and extra leash and the daily droppings from one's pockets. This is the main section of our "open layout". I love our red futon cover. I made the brown and cream pillow covers. Normally there isn't bedroom pillows on the couch but today I had surgery so the couch is setup for my resting area. The big tan box is our electric/ceramic tile enery storage box. I would love to build a cover for it because it is pretty fugly but heating our condo is WAY cheap! When I say WAY I'm talking $500 for the winter and that's in Vermont folks. We plan to purchase all new furniture for our entire house but I don't want to just yet. Not sure if I want to go with an Ikea home or not...but I'm seriously leaning that way.

Are you wondering why the tree is bagged? We rescued them from my husband place of work. They were going to just throw them out. They are $110 ficus trees. It's bagged for a bug treatment. There is a bookcase to the right.... I didn't take a picture because my Inlaws are on there. It sometimes freaks people out :)Pretty standard... TV/Entry area. Some of my favorite things in our living room
I love the picture of my husband and I. I love these rice paper lantern floor lamps. I found these at Big Lots and bought four of them. They give off so much light. The iSqueez perfect after a days work.

Our Kitchen

The fugly Tiffany lamp will be replaced once we purxhase. Also we will be replacing all the appliances, flooring, counter tops and door knobs in the kitchen. The cabinets are in GREAT condition so I can't see getting rid of them.
I love bright colors and I want a really bright kitchen. I'm considering painting it a shade of orange. The backsplash I plan to do in chalkboard paint.
I love the microwave... its old school and needs to be replaced but it's one of the only appliances that I use. You should note... I DON'T COOK. I made the black "chalkboard" message board to cover up our electrical panel. I'm not completely sold on the idea but it works for the mean time. The door was glossy fire engine red talk about a train wreck! I had to tone it down. I love bright but not tacky bright :0) Behind closed doors: A MESS! I mean dog food, recyclables, cleaning items and extra cooking items. My favorite item resides in here... the red Eco-Friendly grocery basket that I take with me every weekend when we do our shopping at the farmer's market. One of my favorite places: Wallace's Food area. I saw the sign and thought it was so fitting for when he comes running to his food bowl knocking anything and anyone down to get to it.
You now know that I don't cook but I am in favor of fairly neat cabinets. I will go behind my husband and re-orgainize as his pulling stuff out. Am I just a little OCD?Pictures+Cool Magnets+Inspiring Quotes=E refrigerator. Any time we travel to a different state we purchase a new magnet to go on the fridge.

Last but certainly not least...The precious Keurig machine. I love coffee, tea and running it with just hot water for a quick cup of miso soup.

Thank you for visiting the home of the E.

On another note: My prayer list.
* I had surgery this morning for a cyst to be removed from my butt. I'm praying for no infections and a healthy recovery.
*Everything to go smoothly on Monday when we go for our mortgage.
* Marlene's (school secretary) family: She was killed in a terrible accident last friday and her services were today.
*The Williams family is working hard each day to care for their son Jonah. I hope that their faith remains high.