Friday, January 30, 2009

My Newest Favorite Thing


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1Cor.7:5::Week 3

So do not deprive each other of sexual relations. The only exception to this rule would be the agreement of both husband and wife to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time, so they can give themselves more completely to prayer. Afterward they should come together again so that Satan won’t be able to tempt them because of their lack of self-control. (1 Cor. 7:5, NLT)

Week Three: How Illuminating!

Lights on during sex: excellent!

Celebrating myself image isn't an easy thing these days. Currently I should be sporting a pregnant bump instead all I sport is the weight that I haven't lost since loosing BabyE. But I can gladly say all the days and nights that I find myself so out of shape and grossly pudgy here and there Doc reminds me of the reasons he married me. He doesn't go a day without saying how beautiful I am. I really love this man.

In bed is one place that I can actually say that I feel beautiful.

Can you?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Not Me! Monday

It wasn't me who entered the new employee orientation only find an extra employee there and me being short a brochure. I never skim my emails to the point of missing the total number of people attending the meeting. It was not me who went to sit down in my chair to make my presentation only to miss the chair completely and kneeling so gracefully. It would not be my chair that rolled away from me. Nope not mine.

I didn't end up looking like I had botox injections after eating a Waldorf salad. I'm not the one who is allergic to cinnamon and walnuts but continued to down the Waldorf that was heaped with both walnuts and cinnamon apples. Some women pay top dollar for that shit and I do it out of stupidity and satisfying my taste buds. I work in a hospital---I'm just a flight away from the ED.

Not me! Monday.

101 Thing To Do in 1001 Days.

I've started it. I'm so excited that its finally written down :0) Follow it here

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm Ready for A Challenge.

Better LATE then never. I've joined in the fun.

"So do not deprive each other of sexual relations. The only exception to this rule would be the agreement of both husband and wife to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time, so they can give themselves more completely to prayer. Afterward they should come together again so that Satan won’t be able to tempt them because of their lack of self-control. (1 Cor. 7:5, NLT)"

This is my new way of living.

Week ONE Challenge: Fix Your Boudoir
  1. Lose the TV: Working on it--There is a TV in our bedroom but its unplugged and taking up space will be getting rid of it.
  2. Tone down pictures of the kids: Completed-no kids in our home, yet!
  3. Get rid of the clutter: Completed
  4. Get romantic lighting: Completed
  5. Try some mood music: working on it.
Week Two Challenge: Mama Needs a New Pair of Panties
  1. Clean out underwear drawer and get rid of all the un-sexy pairs. The ones that possibly classified as granny panties.
  2. Buy Mama a couple pairs of new panties that are flattering and make you feel good about yourself.
Did someone read my husbands mind? I shouldn't even be telling this that's just how bad it is! When I arrived home from work wearing a pair of sailor pants that I had worn for over 12 LONG hours. It was time to change into something a little more comfortable. So as I am pulling down those sailors my husband*God bless him* notices that I'm wearing the favorite pair of green cheekie panties I own. I've promised to retire these. They look like these here--------------->
The reason for retirement is not because they are faded but because we'll just say that have lost there shape. It couldn't be that I haven't lost the weight that I gained while carrying sweet Baby E. But they no long fit correctly. They give me the WORST CASE of camel toe known to mankind. We'll just say that Darling Doc gets the BIGGEST kick when he sees me sporting these with my little thatch hanging out on both sides.

Mama is going to purchase a couple new pairs of sexy panties. Victoria's Secret here I come.

Friday, January 23, 2009

15.5 HOURS.

I worked 15.5 hours today because my two jobs. I'm freaking crazy. Seriously. 12 maybe but 15 I'm not beyond tired. Border line way overtired. I'm going to have some serious baggage under my eyes tomorrow morning.

It wasn't a slow day for me today. I was out straight at the credit union today. I didn't get a chance to run for lunch under 15 past 1. I usually eat between 11:50 and 12:10. Needless to say I was BEYOND starving. Once I finished up at the credit union I clocked in upstairs in registration.

The hospital was a hopping place this evening. We ended up on a full lock down at 7pm. Apparently someone threatened to steal a newborn. No ladies-as much as I want a baby-It was not me. It was a complete ZOO. The emergency was out of control, the phones were out straight and my patience ended up shot by the end of my shift.

One great thing happened tonight. Doc just surprised me with a new ring tone for my Sparkly new Blackberry which I have yet to really post about. I will tomorrow when I am far less tired and have a partial brain. My new ring tone is from the Pixar movie Wall-e.

Goodnight. Off to bed with my favorite snugglable babies. Doc and Wally. I love you boys!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


8 Favorite T.V. shows I watch:
  1. Top Chef
  2. Intervention
  3. The First 48
  4. Housewives (Orange County)
  5. Housewives (New York)
  6. What Not to Wear
  7. Project Runway
  8. Moving Up

8 Restaurants I love:

  1. Positive Pie II (Montpelier, VT)
  2. Julio's Catina (Montpelier, VT)
  3. Texas Roadhouse (Williston, VT)
  4. Koto (W.Lebenon, NH)
  5. Oysterella's (Mobile, AL)
  6. Vermont Pup and Brewery (Burlington, VT)
  7. Maxi's (Waterbury, VT)
  8. Subway
8 Things that Happened today:
  1. My blackberry rang playing gold digger while I was closing a loan
  2. I suffered and ate Turkey Barley Soup for lunch that was greasy (gotta love hospital soups)
  3. Doc surprised me and stopped by to say Hi at my work today :0)
  4. I attended a city council meeting with Doc
  5. I dumped a container of gummy worms on the floor
  6. Shopped Ebay for a case for my bp
  7. Did a load of Laundry
  8. My husband was appointed to a 2 year seat on the Conservation Commission for our city :0)
8 Things I am Looking Forward to:
  1. Purchasing our Condo
  2. Vacationing in the Sun and Sand
  3. Walks around the pond this spring
  4. Painting our condo
  5. Purchasing a futon and duvet cover
  6. paying off my car
  7. learning to cook more awesome food in my crockpot
  8. Becoming higher officer at my job
8 Thinks I Wish For
  1. Many great years with my husband by my side
  2. I wish to find a church to attend on a regular basis
  3. Vacation to come sooner than later
  4. clean house
  5. that we will be approved for our home loan without any real hiccups
  6. To each healthier
  7. To get Fit and feel better about myself
  8. To get back to school and finish my schooling so we can settle and have our Baby Ee.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

NOT ME MONDAY (Tuesday-Wednesday really)

I didn't wake up at 6:30 Tuesday morning to the dog laying on my side of the bed with his ass in my face. Nope not my Wallace. I didn't get halfway through washing my hair to realize that I just used body wash instead of shampoo. I wouldn't think of doing something so extremely dumb. I didn't go outside to four inches of snow and shovel around our vehicles to have the plowman come through in spray me with dirt. Nope he's a nice old guy (that's a HUGE lie that guy is a DICK). It wasn't me that got to work and had a great day. One of my coworkers is a space cadet. I didn't get home to have my darling Husband cooking me dinner that involved just a "little" bit of curry. It wasn't me who woke up at 2:13 Wednesday morning with hot sweats and heart burn so badly that I thought I was dying. Not couldn't be me because curry settles so well on my stomach. It surely wasn't me who waited 45 minutes in line at AT&T to get my new Blackberry tonight. Nope I must have just imagined the line :0) Perhaps I'll get this in time next Monday. A girl can try right...

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Happy Birthday to the best husband a girl could ask for. Doc celebrated his 32nd birthday. I bought him a Suunto wrist computer better known as a watch. Also I took him out on a date on Sunday afternoon. We went out for a late lunch at the Texas Roadhouse. I got the pulled pork dinner which was delicious. I sipped on a Jamaican Cowboy which I love. Doc has a margarita and of course the ribs and pulled pork. This marked our second time eating here and it was great yet again. We went and watched Grand Torino with Clint Eastwood. I baked my Doc chocolate cupcakes with Strawberry frosting because it was impossible to find cherry frosting in the stores. Lets face it I don't have the supplies to make frosting at home... maybe next year. Considering I only bake for his birthday. Monday night I let Doc pick where he wanted to go out to eat because he has studying to be done. We just went to Pizza Hut and had the all natural. It wasn't bad. Although I did lose my mittens sometime Monday which I am still a little more than upset about. I got a great deal on a mirror yesterday at the Christmas Tree Shop so I finally have something to put my initial E on so I worked and completed that tonight. Now I just need to have Doc pick up the hardware to hang it in the hallway. Perhaps a weekend project?

Work was interesting--C is back at work she has been out for three weeks on medical leave. Things were really nice while she was out. Our office flowed really nicely. S and I get along really well and I love just helping her out. When C is there it throws the balance off. I find myself doing a lot more work with another set of hands there. It's funny how that works. I started picking up a lot more duties that I had never done before and I think I'm handling the stress of that really well. I love the challenge that it has brought me. I really hope that I will get a promotion before long.

Up and out early---Wanted to be the first one to office today to get things rolling. I had a desk full of paperwork that I really wanted to get behind me. Which I did within the first couple of hours. Doc is studying every night so I've been trying to stay out of his way. I worked per diam for the hospital as soon as I got done my daytime job. I love working up there. The girls I work with are so much fun and it makes that night go by so quickly. We were busy with physic impatient admissions. With the low pressure system rolling through we had our far share of woman going into the Woman's and Children's Unit for observation to rule out labor. I got home about 9:30 just in time to settle on the couch with Doc to watch Top Chef. Then it was off to bed.

Walls woke me up at 3:30 to go out to the bathroom. It was so cold outside. We hustled back to the house and back to bed. I woke up at 6:35 to shower and get ready for my day. I love that I don't have to run outside to start the car its just the push of a button. Doc and I got out to the hummer and it was 10 below zero. We both griped about how we hate the cold and should move south. We'll see we ever do that. Kissed Doc as he stopped the car I jumped out and off to work I went watching him drive down the hill to his office. Got in only to find that we were a little cooler than normal in our office. I turned the heat up! Busy day at work. Again worked upstairs in Registration after getting done at the CU. It was another fun night. Although I got out at 7pm because Doc picked me up and didn't want to have to go back out in the cold later on. I picked up the house and finished my first book of the year. Hooray--now that's huge for me! Only 24 more books to go for me to be at my goal.

WOW was it cold this morning. As we drove to work I noticed that the car was reading 27 below zero. WTF? I hate Vermont. I'm so bloody sick of this cold weather. The snow is beautiful but I think we could just drive up for a weekend to ski rather than living here year round. Later on in the morning I got an email from Doc it was house listings for Hawaii. He's so cute! We both spent part of day actively searching for a spot to vacation in April. Doc picked me up at work and we were off to get his haircut. When we got there someone else was in the chair. Doc hates when the hairdresser isn't ready for him. His patience is really a zero. I was already annoyed there was a television set up on the salon counter with a bootleg of Twilight playing. So the girl got out of the chair and sat down with in another. I stood at the door. The entire time that Doc was getting his haircut the girl that was there before us and her friend sat there watching this movie while I stood waiting for his haircut to be complete. It was such an unprofessional setup; I was so mad when we left. We got a sub and shared it for dinner.

I slept in until 9:30. We went out to breakfast at the Wayside. I ordered 2 pancakes, 2 eggs over easy, 2 slices of bacon and 2 slices of rye toast. Doc ordered 2 eggs over easy, 2 slices of rye toast, corn beef hash and home fries along with French toast. We waited for 35 minutes before we got our food. Both of meals were cold. Doc stopped the waitress and told her and she said well I would be happy to nuke your meals for you. Doc politely told her no and that we would be happy to take our check for our drinks. She declined and we left. We ended up at McDonald's eating quarter pounders and vanilla shakes. Once we got home Doc studied and I did laundry. I then sat my butt in my computer check and hung out on the computer :0)

Today isn't much different than yesterday. Only today I haven't left the house other than to take the dog outside to go to the bathroom. I took 2 showers because one of my showers involved a very moldy towel...yuck! I then continued doing laundry, folding and even putting it away. We finally have a dining room table again. Doc thinks thats a huge improvement. He will no longer have to get dressed in the living room. I watched 3 hours worth of Moving up. I love TLC folks! I am about to go watch Toddlers and Tiaras for the first time. I can't wait to see this... it takes a very scary class of people to put these children through all that! Oh and this morning I woke up this bite on my face that isn't very pretty and hurts like hell so I've taken 2 doses of benedryl to calm that hot mess down!

More tomorrow. I've vowed to this blog that I will update more than once a month ;)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Family Planning Dumped.

We had a family planning "TALK" today. We're both hoping that I'm not currently knocked the fuck up. For many reasons at this very point 1. Work schedules (my job currently doesn't offer short term disability) 2. Doc is in Grad school 3. I want to go back to school 4. We want our house squared away 5. Need to have one less car payment to be able to afford daycare.

Your now probably wondering what changed between September and now. Back in September we were thinking of moving south and purchasing a much cheaper home or just traveling. Traveling nurses do not have to pay for room or board. Yes we would be moving every 13-26 weeks but with a baby it wouldn't be too bad. Doc wasn't in Grad school and could adjust his schedule to work different hours. I wasn't really thinking of going back to school to finish my degree. The closer I get to being promoted in my current job. The importance of finishing my school is becoming clearer and clearer.

People say that you make adjustments to care and afford a child but our life would be some much easier if we just waited two years. My car would be paid off that would be $300 extra every month that we would be able to put into savings for that said child. We wouldn't have a brand new mortgage that we were facing we will have been paying on it for a couple of years.

We were ultimately rushing to have a baby because we were not sure if infertility would play an issue with the medications that Doc is on. But we got good news on Monday that it does not look like that will be the case. Perfect--we can slow down and wait. That means if AF shows her beautiful face I will start my nuva ring and I can relax and be the wife I want to be be. Maybe I'm just getting cold feet in fear demise or maybe Doc is I mean he does turn 32 tomorrow.

Monday, January 5, 2009

2 Years....WHAT?

Doc started his grad school work today. OMG. Bitchy husband.

I made a deal with myself-Yes myself that I was going to keep the house cleaner and cook dinner more often. So I did the dinner thing tonight. I cooked a pot roast. I got a thank you out of him.

The night has just gotten worse since 5:30. He swapped my monitor with this huge old TV types...It didn't even allow my keyboard to sit on my desk let alone let me mouse move. So I said I think I'm going to have to readjust this. So he way of handling the situation was to come over unplug the monitor and toss it into the closet where it made some NOT SO COOL sounds. He then walked over and hooked the flat screen monitor that I originally had. What am I going to do with a broken down piece of shit monitor? Doc seriously! I proceeded to continue my search online of different odds and ends. I suddenly came across tile tattoos... how AWESOME! I seriously hate the rose colored tiles in our bathroom. I think these were an answer to my prayers! I can actually redo the bathroom without huge construction like ripping down around our tub. I asked Doc if he wanted to see them and he jumped down my throat that he was working on his first assignment and didn't have time. Two years of Grad school--I think I might just pull my hair out at this rate!

I think I need to start working more! Oh yes, if only we could find time to put a new battery in my car so I could drive it to and from work. That was supposed to happen last Saturday maybe I can get it done tomorrow night. Maybe once I figure out why I never got a new AAA card in the mail, I'll just call for road assistance for them to come help me.

Seriously, my day really sucked. ONE good thing happened today when Doc picked me up from work. I jumped into the Hummer and we started talking all of a sudden something licked my ear. Wallace picked me up at work!!! I love getting to see my furbaby that was a great GREAT surprise! He was so excited to see his mommy!