Tuesday, January 20, 2009

NOT ME MONDAY (Tuesday-Wednesday really)

I didn't wake up at 6:30 Tuesday morning to the dog laying on my side of the bed with his ass in my face. Nope not my Wallace. I didn't get halfway through washing my hair to realize that I just used body wash instead of shampoo. I wouldn't think of doing something so extremely dumb. I didn't go outside to four inches of snow and shovel around our vehicles to have the plowman come through in spray me with dirt. Nope he's a nice old guy (that's a HUGE lie that guy is a DICK). It wasn't me that got to work and had a great day. One of my coworkers is a space cadet. I didn't get home to have my darling Husband cooking me dinner that involved just a "little" bit of curry. It wasn't me who woke up at 2:13 Wednesday morning with hot sweats and heart burn so badly that I thought I was dying. Not couldn't be me because curry settles so well on my stomach. It surely wasn't me who waited 45 minutes in line at AT&T to get my new Blackberry tonight. Nope I must have just imagined the line :0) Perhaps I'll get this in time next Monday. A girl can try right...

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