Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Awesome Kitchen Find and Tip

This week has been AWESOME and it's only Tuesday.

I start a purchasing "chef approved" Wusthof knives from William Sonoma for Cap. I thought it was the perfect gift to give over the years. When the set is complete, Cap will have a set used by ALOT of chefs in the cooking industry. But AWESOMELY enough last week, I was browsing the clearance section at TJ Maxx and saw a box set of Wusthof knives This was a 5 piece set that was originally marked $279, that's the Maxx price. If I was to purchase this set at WS I would have spent nearly $410. There were on clearance for $199. I skipped the purchase last week and wanted to sleep on the idea.
I went back Sunday they were marked down again

$139! That's right 5 knives for $139. That's cheaper than I paid for his paring knife for Christmas. I snatched them right up! Happy Cooking Cap! I love you <3

What do you do with your left over pasta sauce? Are you like my family and always have Spaghetti jars stacking up on the top shelf of your cold chest?

I'm freezing the leftovers in ice cube trays. Once frozen I'm popping the cubes into freezer bags and taking them out as needed for lunches :) Simply brilliant! & Thanks to Cap's fellow coworker Jes, I'm taking care of those jars! Say goodbye to the cold chest clutter and hello to lunch time portion control!

Simple. Clutter free. Labels front facing. I love my kitchen!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Heritage Festival.

Last week was our Heritage Festival in town. A week filled with music, activities for kids and lost of food. Cap and I could only participate in the festivities on Saturday morning. Sadly, this happened last year too.

Cap pulled 19,023 pound truck with the Governor. Yup, the Governor of Vermont. He wasn't a wimp and he gave it his all! Even the Governor's security detail participated in the pull. See I told you they were working hard on pulling that truck....50 feet!
Cap (he's the only in the white and black shirt that reads "Dominic is numero uno" with the Governor and his security detail along with the other city councilors Pull#2 with all members of the city government :)Doesn't Cap look fierce! The city group came in #2 out of nine teams. Not bad at all!

People of all ages were downtown enjoying everything that was going on. And big news, the Quarry is almost ready to open! I'm delighted that will be a restaurant with outdoor seating in downtown.

I finished up my day before heading to work by watching the Heritage Parade. I loved the bagpipes!
I love Southern Living! I found a SUPER fantastic beet salad recipe in the may issue. Here are my beets marinating :)And after this past week I'm just as tired as he is! I love my little boy!