Friday, February 27, 2009

Today's Doctors Visit.

Well I'm not feeling any better from going on Tuesday followed by the ER Tuesday night (info of Tuesday in Blog)....In fact, I'm feeling worse! I woke up this morning with a fever, my left eye swollen shut and my right side of neck is visibly larger than the left.

So at the doctors office they ran more blood tests for liver function, white blood cell count and a monospot. All of which were negative. After seeing white spots on my tonsils they did a strep test---negative. She sent blood to do a mono culture--- I have to wait 48 hours for the results. Luckily, I work at the hospital and call for my own results. Yay! My liver and spleen were both enlarged. Clearly I'm not feeling better--I look like I was hit by Mack truck. I have drank 4 2lt bottles of ginger ale since Tuesday and I'm only peeing about 3x/day. And I don't have a Urinary Track Infection. Oh and the kicker since Tuesday I've put on 8lbs. Yup 8lbs of fluid.

She sent me home with eye drops today. I spend most of my time sleeping. I just woke up from a 5 hour nap. She said that if I don't feel better by Tuesday to go back to see her. I really hope that I can kick whatever is kicking my ass real soon. Being home sick is tiring!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Yay. It's here!

I finally got my new snowboarding jacket in the mail today. Even though I won't be able to wear it to the mountain for at least a week. I can still look at it in aw. I know its just a Burton Snowboard Jacket but you don't understand. All the years that I used to ski and snowboard all of my stuff was either my regular winter stuff or handy me downs from my older sister. It feels great to have something of my own. It has the IPod pocket which great because my helmet has the speaker capability. How cool is that listening to music which going down the mountain :0)

Skiing on Valentines Day.

I'll start with WHAT AN AWESOME WEEKEND!!! We had our friends Casey and Anton come to stay with us for the Valentine's Day/President's Day weekend. I worked until 8pm on Friday night then I went and did a little Valentine shopping for Doc. I felt like I should get him a thing or two for being such a great husband. I ended up picking him up a gift card to Game Stop and a cute card.

Casey and Anton didn't get to our house until 4am. Luckily we went to bed around 11pm and just woke up when they called to let us know that they were getting off the highway. We all went to bed and got up about 7 am to get ready for our day of skiing at Smugglers Notch. We all rode in Anton's wrangler. I couldn't figure out why my feet were freezing but once we got to the mountain I realized that he didn't put his "plugs" in the floor so there was cold air coming up from the floor. WOW, cold! Once at the mountain we had to wait in line forever to get our lift tickets and for me to rent snowboard equipment. Once all fitted and ready to go we got in the lift line. I thought we would get off at the half way point on Morse Mountain. I was wrong! First time snowboarding in six years ---I want to the top! Holy Crap--I fell getting off the lift. I didn't do half bad. There were a few tumbles here and there. Then I got feeling pretty comfortable being back on the mountain and I took one hell of a fall. I was slowing down when a lady came up beside me--her ski hit the edge of my board and I biffed it through the air and landed six feet away from where she hit me.... HEAD FIRST! Falling knocked the wind out of me and also left me with a puffed up lip and a swollen cheek that didn't look overly pretty. But I got back up and continued through the day just stopping for lunch which was awesome. During lunch I had a Peppermint Patty Hot chocolate to boost my confidence. Peppermint schnapps + hot chocolate + a helmet=GREAT SNOWBOARING! We went up Madonna Mountain with Casey and Anton once I felt comfortable enough to leave the "bunny hill" mountain. It was awesome. The view was one of a kind. Look how gorgeous it was!

It was so nice to be able to do something with Doc that we both enjoy. This was our first weekend on the mountain together. I thought it was really cute when he told me that it was a complete turn on to see me outside being totally active and confident. I guess getting married turned me into an old lady. Here are a few pictures of our day at Smuggs.

We went to the Vermont Pub and Brewery for a Valentines dinner. It was a great meal and we got a chance to just relax and laugh. It was so nice because this was the first time we were able to do this type of thing with a couple that we really enjoy in a really long time! It was perfect!

Because I enjoyed myself so much. I went and bought myself a snowboard, boots, helmet, a new Snowboard Jacket and a snowboard bag. I have my own gear. We even plan on buying season passes to Sugarbush or Jay Peak for the 2009-2010 season! We had plans to go skiing this last Sunday but I got sick so we couldn't go. But, I can't wait to do it again!

Tuesday January 27,2009-Tuesday October 25,2011

101 things to complete in 1001 days :0)

Of course in No order...

  1. Lose 25 pounds. I need to be healthier
  2. Read 25 Books (2/25)
  3. Find out how many credits I currently hold
  4. Sign up for school
  5. Officially purchase condo
  6. Paint Kitchen
  7. Put down bamboo flooring
  8. Paint back splash with chalkboard paint
  9. Get new counter tops
  10. Purchase energy efficient stove
  11. Purchase energy efficient dishwasher
  12. purchase energy efficient refrigerator
  13. Paint living room/hallway
  14. Get carpets professionally cleaned
  15. Purchase new couch
  16. Paint future child room/office
  17. Put closet organizing system in guest room
  18. Organize the office (with more bookshelves, etc)
  19. Reduce clutter
  20. Paint Master bedroom
  21. Decorate the master bedroom
  22. Purchase bed frame and side tables
  23. Purchase new bedding
  24. Put in closet organizer with drawers in Master bedroom closet
  25. Lay Bamboo floor in bathroom
  26. Paint bathroom
  27. Purchase vinyl tile covers for bathroom
  28. Replace Toilet
  29. Replace sink and medicine cabinet
  30. Buy a new energy efficient washer and dryer
  31. Double our emergency fund
  32. Pay off all current debt except mortgage
  33. Have a open house for friends to come and see our new place
  34. Keep a neater/cleaner home
  35. Get my passport
  36. Go on a cruise
  37. Go camping
  38. Go on a road trip
  39. Go to water park
  40. Visit the ocean
  41. Go to Maine
  42. Go to a Yankees game
  43. See fire & Ice display in Boston
  44. Go to Washington, D.C. for a long weekend
  45. Have a vacation planned for somewhere in Europe
  46. Research traveling to Seattle.
  47. Have at least 4 weekends away (0/4)
  48. Go hiking with Doc
  49. Go skiing with Doc
  50. Start walking around the pond 3 nights a week
  51. Start running
  52. Walk in a marathon
  53. Purchase a P22 and start shooting each weekend with Doc
  54. Learn to quilt
  55. Get a makeover hair/makeup
  56. Get a pedicure
  57. Get a hot stone massage
  58. Get a couples massage with Doc
  59. Go bowling
  60. Go the movies in the theater
  61. Have a date night with Doc where we actually dress up (1/12)
  62. Go to a concert
  63. Watch the sunset at least 5 times (0/5)
  64. Make new friends
  65. Have professional photos taken of Dominic and myself and Walls
  66. Frame more pictures for around the house
  67. Keep up with printing out and albuming my weekend photos
  68. Organize my photo's on my external hard drive
  69. Get frame for wedding photo present
  70. Pick up wedding dress from mothers house
  71. Get my wedding dress preserved
  72. Finish wedding album
  73. Sell extra wedding decor
  74. Get pregnant with baby
  75. Baby proof the house
  76. Buy an excellent (professional) camera
  77. send out birthday cards (0/5)
  78. Send out Christmas cards
  79. Send a message in a bottle
  80. Write a love letter to my husband and send it snail mail
  81. Go through all my clothes and donate the ones I no longer wear/need
  82. Make a new E family tradition
  83. Start cooking more meals for Doc and I
  84. Pack Doc and me lunch for work at least 2x a week complete with a note inside to him :0)
  85. Eat meat only once a week (0/52)
  86. Start making my own yogurt
  87. Have my neighbors over for dinner
  88. Bake my own bread
  89. Make a friend a birthday cake from scratch
  90. Try Indian food
  91. Eat pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner
  92. Drink less Soda
  93. Take a cooking class
  94. Have breakfast in bed
  95. Make several fancy dinners for Doc and I
  96. Buy more fresh, organic produce
  97. Print out and organize my recipes
  98. Recycle more
  99. Donate $4.00 to charity for each task that isn’t completed (charity to be determined later)
  100. As I complete each task, write about my accomplishments, set-backs, experiences, etc.
  101. Make a new list of 101 Things to Do by the time my 1001 days are done

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


It is the only way that I can sum it up. I have never in my life felt as miserable as I did yesterday.

My day started with me going for what I thought would be a simple doctors visit and prescription for an antibiotic to kick this cold/flu shit I've got going on. Every exam room was full. Apparently everyone under the sun is experiencing the "bug" like symptoms. I wasn't the only one today who felt like talking was going to cause them to loose a vocal cord. Or that peeing made you feel like your colon and all the other goodies would suddenly be in the bottom of your toilet bowl. I was feverish and feeling yucking.

For FOUR days! one, two three, FOUR days. I was at the end of my rope when I got there. They wanted to get some blood for a CBC with differential. I convinced them to not only take a purple tube but also a tiger tube just in case they needed to run more tests that way I wouldn't need to get picked too many times. They looked at my throat. She told me that my tonsils were HUGE. She did a throat culture. Examined my belly. The CBC came back normal other than my bacterial fighters were evaluated which was a little concerning. Also my strep culture was also negative. Good that I don't have but shitty because I wish I could get the medication that would be make it start to feel better. She didn't like that I had pain in the right side of my abdomen so she wanted me to get a CT scan.

Off to the Emergency room. Once there I was forced into a johnny. I hate those gowns. I refused to take off my pants and socks. They had to give me an IV and of course draw more blood. She stuck me in the same spot as the last girl that drew my blood at the doctors office less than an hour ago. I was then wheeled down to X-Ray, where I had the scan to see if my appendix was enlarged. The girl flushed my IV and started injecting me with radation. I have to say it was the coolest sensation in the world. I got all warm and suddenly felt like I was peeing my pants but the warmness felt awesome seems how I've been freezing for 4 days now. It only lasted seconds but still those seconds were GREAT! The scan took all of ten minutes. Once back in ED Room 7 then brought in IV fluids and started pumping me full of them. It took about an hour to get the results back from radiology. No surgery yet. I just love the--- YET! It's not my appendix. They found that I have a 4cm ovarian cyst and fluid around my right ovary. Which lead them to believe that I had a larger cyst that had burst. My nurse Emily came in and stopped my IV drip and took out my IV because I was able to go home. Yay! They put me on some antibiotics and pain medication. The end all result I have the sinus/GI bug plus the cyst going on. I'm just to do what I can do without exhausting myself. Which meant not working today (Wednesday) either.

Wallace has enjoyed mommy being home with him. It meant that he didn't need to go to his den for the last 5 days. However, I'm looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. I'm sick of using my 30-3=27 CTO days for sick days. I'm saving those for a baby!


This post is a little late but better late than never! I bought this pendent about two weeks ago from Home Studio. I found them on I highly recommend them! They have hundreds of different designs that you can find one or more to suit your style. These pendents are perfect to lift anyone's mood. They make great birthday gifts, stocking stuffers and something awesome to tie onto a bigger package.

The presentation was great; the pendent was placed inside a little satin bag. Practically already gift wrapped for you.

I can't wait to purchase more of these scrabble pendents. I already have a few in mind for upcoming birthdays.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm Sick.

I just want to cry.

I can't stand that I can't swallow.

I can't stand the lump that is in my throat.

I can't stand that I just want to toss my milkshake.

I can't stand that I'm freezing and can't warm up.

I can't stand that Doc thinks I'm being a HUGE baby!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A day? That's it!

Oh Golly!

Miss Molly. I haven't done any shopping for Valentine's day. Not even a card! Wait I take that back. I have a card from last year that I never gave to him. Okay, I'm covered.

A gift--not so much! I really should have followed through with the plan of an argyle sweater. Argyle socks. I mean argyle anything and Doc would have been so excited.

When it comes to being the wife of every mans dreams---Docs dreams. I never seem short of failure. Christmas I was out shopping in the thickest crowds 15 minutes before we opened our gifts. Birthday I got him a watch that he picked out two weeks in advance and he wore out of the store. I did bake him cupcakes at his request. Wow--do they have a Be a Better Wife book for Dummies? Perhaps Blair could come up with something---she is always so damn witty!

What to do? What to do? What to buy?

Did I forget to mention that we have company arriving tomorrow night at 1am? They will be with us for the weekend. Don't get me wrong I'm over the moon excited about them coming. Should I get them a box of chocolates? Something I mean they are spending the "love bird" holiday in our home.

Is spending the day on the mountain with Doc an adequate gift when I haven't been on a snowboard in 6 years and don't currently possess a short term disability policy? Not to mention that I don't own a real "winter parka" or mittens meant for snowboarding.

What to do? What to do? What to do?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dear Wally:

I love you baby boy. But Please next time your dogma is on the phone making dinner reservations could be you please refrain from making the longest, loudest, ripest fart known to man kind? You not only had your daddy laughing but the guy on the other end of the phone thought that it was me. Yes, your sweet dear dogma ever. So please please PLEASE Wallace behave your ass!

Love you always,

Dogma HEE

Friday, February 6, 2009

HELLO! Anybody in there?

Dear Body:
Could it be the box of nutty bars that I ate? I know they have peanut butter but the doctor  swore up and down that they were not on the list of items contaminated items. 

So why did you have to abort that baby?

Love,  the soul and mind of your being.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I can't freaking believe. I mean seriously. I AM THE GIRL WITH ZERO LUCK!

But I actually won $200 on a football pool. My lucky numbers were 7 & 7.

Entry fee was $20. I could have won $400 but there was 6 score changes in the 2nd quarter. Which brought my winnings down to $200. The greedy side of me can't help but feel slightly robbed. But the other side of me is SO excited to have actually won something!

What should I do with it? I mean $200 that is AWESOME. I mean of course I should be saving it. but I can't help but want to just spend it! And here are the things I want to buy.

Duvet Cover: Ikea 30.94 with shipping on Ebay.... Bought!

My Favorite Passage from the bible: Purchase $7.95

This is a Leach hook.... I'm thinking the pretty Lime Green and Only for $6.80. I might even get the Orange and a blue too so Wally has a spot to hang his leash, Mommy her keys and Daddy his keys for the Hummer

This Sign will also look AWESOME hung above Wally's Water and food dish in the Kitchen. We have an open floor plan and he jumps comes RUNNING when he hears foot hit his dish and we just try to get out of the way.


I love this sweater from the Gap. It's from the Holiday 2008 series. It's a maternity sweater but I'll just pack it away. It is one of those classical cartigans that you can wear year after year. I love it.


Sweet Lady Jane came in today at work with this lovely pink pashmina scarf on and I just wanted to grab it and run. It is the prettiest pink in person. Just stunning, I tell you.

I can't find ONE word to explain my husband. But this sweater kind of explains it all... He has a love for argyle socks and he loves sweaters in the winter. And well... I think he will be ultra SEXY in this particular sweater. Happy Valentines Day Doc!
$34.99. God I love Ebay!

I really Love this Hotsling for the non-existent child as of yet. There is no E child in this womb. No Child to go in said sling. But you can't beat the price of $29.99 and free shipping. Platinum is the perfect yes I did say perfect color! HEE will be purchasing this sling for the growing closet even though I'm lacking the growing bump.

Wish me luck I'm off to purchase my goodies for the family and moi :0)