My day started with me going for what I thought would be a simple doctors visit and prescription for an antibiotic to kick this cold/flu shit I've got going on. Every exam room was full. Apparently everyone under the sun is experiencing the "bug" like symptoms. I wasn't the only one today who felt like talking was going to cause them to loose a vocal cord. Or that peeing made you feel like your colon and all the other goodies would suddenly be in the bottom of your toilet bowl. I was feverish and feeling yucking.
For FOUR days! one, two three, FOUR days. I was at the end of my rope when I got there. They wanted to get some blood for a CBC with differential. I convinced them to not only take a purple tube but also a tiger tube just in case they needed to run more tests that way I wouldn't need to get picked too many times. They looked at my throat. She told me that my tonsils were HUGE. She did a throat culture. Examined my belly. The CBC came back normal other than my bacterial fighters were evaluated which was a little concerning. Also my strep culture was also negative. Good that I don't have but shitty because I wish I could get the medication that would be make it start to feel better. She didn't like that I had pain in the right side of my abdomen so she wanted me to get a CT scan.

Off to the Emergency room. Once there I was forced into a johnny. I hate those gowns. I refused to take off my pants and socks. They had to give me an IV and of course draw more blood. She stuck me in the same spot as the last girl that drew my blood at the doctors office less than an hour ago. I was then wheeled down to X-Ray, where I had the scan to see if my appendix was enlarged. The girl flushed my IV and started injecting me with radation. I have to say it was the coolest sensation in the world. I got all warm and suddenly felt like I was peeing my pants but the warmness felt awesome seems how I've been freezing for 4 days now. It only lasted seconds but still those seconds were GREAT! The scan took all of ten minutes. Once back in ED Room 7 then brought in IV fluids and started pum

Wallace has enjoyed mommy being home with him. It meant that he didn't need to go to his den for the last 5 days. However, I'm looking forward to going back to work tomor

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