Friday, February 27, 2009

Today's Doctors Visit.

Well I'm not feeling any better from going on Tuesday followed by the ER Tuesday night (info of Tuesday in Blog)....In fact, I'm feeling worse! I woke up this morning with a fever, my left eye swollen shut and my right side of neck is visibly larger than the left.

So at the doctors office they ran more blood tests for liver function, white blood cell count and a monospot. All of which were negative. After seeing white spots on my tonsils they did a strep test---negative. She sent blood to do a mono culture--- I have to wait 48 hours for the results. Luckily, I work at the hospital and call for my own results. Yay! My liver and spleen were both enlarged. Clearly I'm not feeling better--I look like I was hit by Mack truck. I have drank 4 2lt bottles of ginger ale since Tuesday and I'm only peeing about 3x/day. And I don't have a Urinary Track Infection. Oh and the kicker since Tuesday I've put on 8lbs. Yup 8lbs of fluid.

She sent me home with eye drops today. I spend most of my time sleeping. I just woke up from a 5 hour nap. She said that if I don't feel better by Tuesday to go back to see her. I really hope that I can kick whatever is kicking my ass real soon. Being home sick is tiring!

1 comment:

aLLie said...

oh my goodness HEE!!! I hope you feel better pronto!!!!!!!