But I actually won $200 on a football pool. My lucky numbers were 7 & 7.
Entry fee was $20. I could have won $400 but there was 6 score changes in the 2nd quarter. Which brought my winnings down to $200. The greedy side of me can't help but feel slightly robbed. But the other side of me is SO excited to have actually won something!
What should I do with it? I mean $200 that is AWESOME. I mean of course I should be saving it. but I can't help but want to just spend it! And here are the things I want to buy.
Duvet Cover: Ikea 30.94 with shipping on Ebay.... Bought!

My Favorite Passage from the bible: Etsy.com Purchase $7.95

This is a Leach hook.... I'm thinking the pretty Lime Green and Only for $6.80. I might even get the Orange and a blue too so Wally has a spot to hang his leash, Mommy her keys and Daddy his keys for the Hummer
This Sign will also look AWESOME hung above Wally's Water and food dish in the Kitchen. We have an open floor plan and he jumps comes RUNNING when he hears foot hit his dish and we just try to get out of the way.
I love this sweater from the Gap. It's from the Holiday 2008 series. It's a maternity sweater but I'll just pack it away. It is one of those classical cartigans that you can wear year after year. I love it.
$34.99. God I love Ebay!
I really Love this Hotsling for the non-existent child as of yet. There is no E child in this womb. No Child to go in sai
Wish me luck I'm off to purchase my goodies for the family and moi :0)
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