Sunday, January 11, 2009

Family Planning Dumped.

We had a family planning "TALK" today. We're both hoping that I'm not currently knocked the fuck up. For many reasons at this very point 1. Work schedules (my job currently doesn't offer short term disability) 2. Doc is in Grad school 3. I want to go back to school 4. We want our house squared away 5. Need to have one less car payment to be able to afford daycare.

Your now probably wondering what changed between September and now. Back in September we were thinking of moving south and purchasing a much cheaper home or just traveling. Traveling nurses do not have to pay for room or board. Yes we would be moving every 13-26 weeks but with a baby it wouldn't be too bad. Doc wasn't in Grad school and could adjust his schedule to work different hours. I wasn't really thinking of going back to school to finish my degree. The closer I get to being promoted in my current job. The importance of finishing my school is becoming clearer and clearer.

People say that you make adjustments to care and afford a child but our life would be some much easier if we just waited two years. My car would be paid off that would be $300 extra every month that we would be able to put into savings for that said child. We wouldn't have a brand new mortgage that we were facing we will have been paying on it for a couple of years.

We were ultimately rushing to have a baby because we were not sure if infertility would play an issue with the medications that Doc is on. But we got good news on Monday that it does not look like that will be the case. Perfect--we can slow down and wait. That means if AF shows her beautiful face I will start my nuva ring and I can relax and be the wife I want to be be. Maybe I'm just getting cold feet in fear demise or maybe Doc is I mean he does turn 32 tomorrow.

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