Let me introduce you. Blogger reader this is Thor. Thor meet our blog readers :)

I'm sure you can tell it's a Hummer but this isn't just any old Hummer. Well it is old. Ha! But this is the REAL deal Hummer. It's a 1985 American General Humvee.

Well ya'll might be wondering why Thor arrived on a flatbed. Well that's simple he came with a few electrical issues. No lights. No directionals. No windshield wipers. &Thankfully all really EASY fixes! But it would have been impossible to make the 630 mile trip from Butler, Pennsylvania to our home without those essential functions. We were just tickled pink when the driver showed up with the beast! I was however NOT very happy with AAA. I'll save that rant for another day. Until then I was continue to observe all the work that Cap is putting into the beast :)
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