I've been taking a phlebotomy class since the end of January. Every Tuesday night I've attended a three hour class where it has been a really good mix between lecture and hands on. My inner geek has been really enjoying this!
The hands on in class has never really been "hands on" as in drawing blood from a "human". We always used fake arms and kool-aid for blood. But I drew my first real person on Tuesday night. My coworker Verna let me poke her. I was so incredibly nervous. Thankfully I was in our outpatient lab so I was able to set the station up my workstation and have everything at an arm's reach. I palpated Verna's arm and immediately found her median vein. It was dead center and had perfect bounce back. I knew right away that's the one I was going to poke. I went in bevel up and entered the skin. I was instantly able to fill a tube! Woot! Of real blood, not kool-aid! Sweetness :)

Cap finally sent me a picture of our furbaby :) He was so tiny and SO cute! Makes me really miss the days of being able to pick him up and carry him out of the house. Now I have to worry about mud covered paws.
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