In Loving Memory of Zoltan 1932-2007

There hasn't been a weekend that I haven't longed for breakfast at Maxi's in Waterbury or dinner at Waterbury Wings.
Or our nightly phone calls to make sure that he ate something delicious for dinner or Dad just checking up to make sure that the dogs were behaving.
I miss Dad's gold tooth that he showed with sincere smile.
I miss the nights of Dad and I ordering the same drink with dinner.
I miss Dad asking us when we would bless him with a grandchild.
Dad got his wish back in September---Our baby E is with mom and him.
I miss having Dad to talk to about well anything.
I miss hearing him and Dom laugh together.
I miss seeing Dad hold Dom's for just a second while sitting side by side in the recliner.
There's not much of anything that I don't miss when it is associated with Zoli--He was Dom's father and he became mine in such a short period of time.
I just wish that we had more time together---more holidays---more Sundays and the birth of his grandchild to share.
I miss you Dad.
I love you.
A slide show that Dom made in memory of his father.
Some Photos to remember my DAD.

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