We were back on the road by 8:30 and we were heading toward Washington, D.C. at about 12:30. Once we arrived in DC our GPS started doing funky things. Apparently tomtom hasn't updated it s mapping for that area. It had us going in circles so finally we started using a map to the point where we could find a place to park. We parked the Hummer, once we got out and started walking away from the car someone yelled---"Hey you drive a Hummer H3!" DH got nervous and decided that might not be the best place to leave it. So we decided to drive around until we found a secured parking garage. The ceiling in those garages are LOW! we had 4 inches to spare. We walked to the National Air & Space Museum.
We then walked so we could view the Capital with its unattractive burnt lawn
Us walking past the Washington Monument
This is the only Fallout Shelter sign that I have scene in the 5 times that I have been there... I thought it was picture worthy being so morbid.
Getting ready to go through the Baltimore Tunnel. Doc and I have decided we don't really care for tunnels much.
And getting ready to go over the Baltimore Bridge
Off to the left hand side you can see a nuclear plant --The only one we saw in our 3,200 miles that we drove that week
Hello, New Jersey--7 hours to go and we are home.
Getting ready to go through the Baltimore Tunnel. Doc and I have decided we don't really care for tunnels much.
And getting ready to go over the Baltimore Bridge
Off to the left hand side you can see a nuclear plant --The only one we saw in our 3,200 miles that we drove that week
Thank heavens for XM radio and the different city stations that tell you what the traffic is doing. We ended up going out and around NYC and the cool thing was we drove to Dover Plains, NY to see where Doc grew up. It was the first time I saw his home town and I got to see the house that he grew up in. That was really sweet. I got to see his Catholic school. It was a moment that I never shared with DH until then and I certainly won't forget it. We stopped in Greenfield, MA and slept for about 3 hours. Back on the road to VT. Crossed the border to the Green Mountain State. 90 minutes later we pulled into our driveway in Montpelier at 5:33 am. It felt so good to be in our bed!
It was an awesome awesome vacation! I can't wait until our next one!
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