Monday, September 15, 2008

Doctors Appointment

Went to the doctor's this morning after yesterday being the day from hell--just knowing that something was wrong but trying to think of positive. Got to the doctors at 9. Got weighed I lost 5 pounds since last Tuesday. I knew that couldn't be a good sign because I haven't really been sick with the baby. Went into the exam room where I had to get into a gown---she did a check---sure enough the baby was a self abort. She said sorry and left the room. Went down to the lab--only to have a pregnant lady draw my blood--what a SLAP in the FACE! I just was told I lost my baby and now I'm face to face with a very pregnant lady. So a confirmed miscarriage. The doctor requested to have my blood drawn and follow my bhgc down to zero. Dr. Sarah called this afternoon to let me know that my levels were at a 47. Was told that I needed to go have my labs drawn again on Thursday and go from there.

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