Blood work: Apparently its never going to go to zero. My beta level was at a two last Monday and this Monday it was at a one. I'm going to wait two weeks before I have my blood drawn one last time to make sure it goes to zero.
Miscarriage: I just want it done and over with. I'm so sick of being reminded that I had a miscarriage. Like seeing newborn babies on a near daily basis isn't a big enough reminder or the fact that I have a brand new car seat and stroller in my living room. Or that I had the husband that doesn't understand why I'm so upset. He would love for me to just put it behind me and act like it never happened. My boobs are huge, my stomach now has a nice coat of bloat and my pants don't really want to fit. Adding the list of current reminders.
Wallace: He's currently at the Country Animal Hospital and Kennels staying there until Doc and I figure out just what to do. I really don't want to give him up but I'm all out of options. Besides just buying a house to buy one for us and the Walls to live in. My landlords are assholes and won't let us have him here. I mean he is a trained therapy pet. It is so frustrating that we pay $925 a month and still can't have a pet when we agreed to put down an additional non refundable deposit for them.
Housing: I got notification today that our rent will be increasing $75 a month for increased heating expenses. We have 30 days to decide whether or not to stay or move. We started looking tonight for a different place. We are going to look at an apartment on Friday morning that would decrease our rent by half but we would also have a bedroom less. It may be well worth it if we just sign a 6 month lease agreement. We applied for a mortgage but with the economy who knows what will happen.
(found this out in the draft world on 11/6/08 and posted it.) my life at that point
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
My Sick Furbaby Wallace

Up until.... I went to pick him up a few weeks ago to have him for the day for some quality time and he had no hair on his bum and was covered in fleas. Of to the flea dip we went. I picked up flea meds to put on him in hopes that we help him. Doc got him a flea collar to see if they would help. This week we got a report that he was weak, not eating, urinating in the house and that she noticed blood in his stool. I thought we would just schedule him a vet appointment. Saturday it got drastically worse. She called to tell me that her son thought that he should just be put down. That he was extremely sick and that her son would have no problem shooting him. I called Doc hysterical that this idiot would might actually kill our dog. We pay her each month and we supply her dogs plus our own food each month and this is how we get treated. I began to question how Walls was being treated there. Doc and I talked last night about what to do. We can't bring him our place and finding someone to take him at his age would be very hard to do. Doc emailed Jane right away this morning to notify her of the situation that we have on our hands. She called me at work and asked me how soon I could get him out of there. I said probably today if I had a plan. So she called her vet in Bethel and got me squeezed in at 2:30 and we made arrangements with a boarding facility in Shelburne to board him for a few weeks while we beg our landlords to let us have him here or we find a home to purchase or a new place to rent. Jane is an extraordinary woman. She is paying for everything for us so we can be calm while we are dealing with all of this. I love her from the bottom of my heart. So at 1:00 I was on my most nerve wrecking drive of my life to go pick up my baby not knowing what to expect. I didn't know if he would be groggy, dead like or dirty. When I got there he was SOO excited to see his mama! He was jumping and when I showed him his leash he was overjoyed he knew the end of that place was near!!! He was such a good sport in the car.
Wally's visit summary to Country Animal Hospital. We met with Dr. Jessica Englund. She was super! Here is what our receipt entails:
Diagnostic exam $36.
CBC-Abaxis $35.
Chemistry Profile-abaxis $47.
Fecal; negative $19.
Snap Giardia; negative $25.
Heartwork/Lyme test;negative $35.
Urinalysis $28.
SMZTMP 960mg tabs $20.
Amoxicillin Capsules 500mg $15.0
Drontol Plus Canine $57.
Grand total: $317.
We were at the office from 2 to 5pm. I got a really good report--He was negative for heartworm and lyme disease. His heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, prostate, and pancreas are all in excellent condition. He is being treated for a small parasite in his stool and being dewormed just in case something was missed. His white blood cell count was extremely high in urine so he is being treated for a urinary tract infection--Dr. Jess also told me that we are going to do a follow up urine test in 10 days to see how he is feeling because he could have a tumor or a form of bladder cancer. Or it could be that he got a UTI from improper care like not being let outside. I couldn't get him into the boarding facility tonight in Shelburne so he is spending a couple of nights at the CAH in their boarding area. We got to pick out his room and a blanket along with a plush bed for him to sleep on. I hung out with him in room while he got friendly with the male dog next to him. They peed into each others area so they were happy. I left him with him having high spirits and me crying because I didn't want to leave my baby behind. This couldn't have come at a worse time. I love him and I just want him to be here with us where I don't have to worry about how someone else is treating or caring for him!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My Sweet Baby Angel

To those of you who look away when I grow teary eyed in the baby department, look a little deeper.
Surely you have some compassion in your heart.
To those of you who change the subject when I speak my child's name, change your way of thinking.
It may just change your whole life.
To those of you who roll your eyes and say we barely had them at all, how could we miss them so much, in our hearts we have seen them live a thousand times. We have seen their first steps, first day of school, their weddings, and their children. We have had them forever in our minds.
To those who say we can have another, even if we had twenty more they would never be the child we lost, and we will always miss them.
To those who say get on with my life, I have. It is a different life, the life of a grieving mother. One with a tremendous amount to be thankful for, but also one with a lot to mourn the loss of.
Do not judge a bereaved mother. She comes in many forms.
She is breathing, but she is dying.
She may look young, but inside she has become ancient.
She smiles, but her heart throbs.
She walks, she talks, she cooks, she cleans, she works, she IS, but she is NOT, all at once.
She is here, but part of here is elsewhere for eternity.
Do not dismiss us: we have shaped more than just the future generation.
We have released all the tiny angels who are watching over you.
Open your eyes to us, and you just might see them.
Doctors Update, again.
I called the doctors office today I was told that the nurses were just arriving so I wouldn't be able to hear my results. I explained to Patty (receptionist) that I expected to speak with someone at that point in time. She told me that again no nurse was available. I told her I wanted to speak with Claudia the office manager. Claudia got on the phone and I explained to her about yesterday's conversation with the secretary and the lack of communication by her staff. I also told that I would be looking into a different health center because of there poor customer service. She apologized up and down about how they are short staffed and with the construction. I again explained to her that I didn't care about new carpets and nicer patient rooms and how that stuff doesn't matter to the patient if they are getting prompt phone calls and great care while at the visit. That's why I used to love the health center. Now I dread going there. She passed me off to a nurse who couldn't read my lab results. She started telling me what my vitamin D levels were. I explained to her that I had my labs drawn yesterday at the hospital and I justed needed to know where my bhgc was at and what the next step would be. She didn't have my answer. So again, my chart was placed on a desk to be lost for the day. At around 10:30 I got a call from Dr. Pierce she told me that my bhgc level was a 2 and that they wanted me to have another draw on Monday. Finally, answers.
Today they started redoing our bathroom. Tomorrow morning should be great fun. Going to the neighbors to take showers. Luckily the apartment is empty :)
Today they started redoing our bathroom. Tomorrow morning should be great fun. Going to the neighbors to take showers. Luckily the apartment is empty :)
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Health Center
I called Plainfield Health Center (my doctors office) this afternoon for my lab results to see where my bhgc levels were at. The office secretary Jackie answers the phone. She asked me for my last name six times... My last name is 4 letters... how fucking hard is that to remember. I give her my home phone number. She couldn't get that right either. Apparently I was speaking some foreign tongue that she couldn't understand. She assured me that someone would call me before closing. That phone call took place at 4:15. It is now 9pm and they closed at 8:30pm. Where are my results? All I wanted was a call back with my lab results from my miscarriage that happened a week ago. I would really really like to be able to start putting this behind me.
My doctors office just went through this great expansion and remodeling of the office to better serve their patients needs. Well I intend to call them and inform that tomorrow that I don't give a flying fuck about new carpets and fresh paint. Serving patients doesn't alway mean that a new facility is a great way to achieve it. You can't have a great facility if the office staff sucks! I plan on looking for a new office to go to. I'm so beyond fed up with this doctors office. Which saddens me because I love the physician that usually see. These last two that I have seen are freaking joke to the medical field. --vent over!
My doctors office just went through this great expansion and remodeling of the office to better serve their patients needs. Well I intend to call them and inform that tomorrow that I don't give a flying fuck about new carpets and fresh paint. Serving patients doesn't alway mean that a new facility is a great way to achieve it. You can't have a great facility if the office staff sucks! I plan on looking for a new office to go to. I'm so beyond fed up with this doctors office. Which saddens me because I love the physician that usually see. These last two that I have seen are freaking joke to the medical field. --vent over!
Sunday, September 21, 2008

After apple picking yesterday and having so many apples in the house. I decided to use them this afternoon. So I found Aunt Bev's Famous Apple Pie....I sure as hell have no idea who Aunt Bev is but her recipe looked like something I could follow. I'm not Martha's niece so it was questionable!
The Recipe: Aunt Bev's Famous Apple Pie
7 tart apples, peeled & cored
1 Cup white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoons ground nutmeg
salt to taste
2 recipe unbaked pie shells
1 tablespoons butter
1. Preheat oven to 400f
2. Cut apples into 1/4" slices
3. In mixing bowl, combine sugar, cinnamon, flour, nutmeg and salt. Mix throughly. Pour the spice mixture over apples and stir until the apples are coated
4. Line the crust in a 9" deep pie pan. Place apples in the pie crust. Dot the pie filling evenly with butter. Fit the top crust over the apples. Press the crust down gently & cut 3-4 slits in the top of the crust to allow steam to escape while the pie is bakign
5. Bake the pie in the preheated oven for 50 minutes or until the crust is golden brown. Check pie after 3o minutes. If crust is brown reduce heat to 350f to allow apples to cook without the crust burning.
6. Let pie cool. Serve warm or cold. With ice cream or without.
I'm so proud!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Today was a great great day. We woke up. showered. Got the mail which was boring as hell. Where are our packages? Went to McDonald's for hot cakes. It sucked. Back into the hummer went to Burlington. Doc went to Powerhorn and I went to Once Upon a Child for a baby fix. What better place to find kids then at a used kids shop. I picked up a few items to stow away for future child. Drove up to South Hero to do some apple picking at Hackett's Orchard. On our way down to the orchard Doc pulled me to the ground and romped right there. It was so cute! I love my husband. We were told how cute we were and how nice it is to be in love in a fresh marriage. We picked and picked and picked some more. Then it was off to the mall for a little shopping fix. Juniors for pizza. Finished the day off with Lakeview Terrace at the Majestic 10. All in all a great day.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Doctors Update
Went to have my labs drawn again today. The lady used a huge needle. It only took a few moments and I was finished. She put gauze on my arm with a little tape and I was on my way. I bled for a good 5 minutes. I soaked right through the gauze. Lesson learned this morning--before having your labs drawn--eat! I feel really faint after having them done. Got some breakfast. Doctor called this afternoon to let me know that I was at a 19. Back to the lab Monday for another draw. Come on zero--I don't want a D&C. I'm no longer bleeding--wondering if that is a good or bad sign? I guess I'll have my answer Monday.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday dear Hannah.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday dear Hannah.
Happy Birthday to you.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Doctors Appointment
Went to the doctor's this morning after yesterday being the day from hell--just knowing that something was wrong but trying to think of positive. Got to the doctors at 9. Got weighed I lost 5 pounds since last Tuesday. I knew that couldn't be a good sign because I haven't really been sick with the baby. Went into the exam room where I had to get into a gown---she did a check---sure enough the baby was a self abort. She said sorry and left the room. Went down to the lab--only to have a pregnant lady draw my blood--what a SLAP in the FACE! I just was told I lost my baby and now I'm face to face with a very pregnant lady. So a confirmed miscarriage. The doctor requested to have my blood drawn and follow my bhgc down to zero. Dr. Sarah called this afternoon to let me know that my levels were at a 47. Was told that I needed to go have my labs drawn again on Thursday and go from there.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Oh No Baby...
Woke up this morning--with what started to be spotting. Then it got worse. I called the doctor and they want to see me first thing tomorrow morning to see if everything is okay. I know it's not. I already feel different. I already feel empty. I am already sad. I already miss it. I already want it back. I'm just hoping for the best--knowing that its just not true.
Baby E
Carnival Cruise for 2: $800.
Gas to and from Mobile, AL in our Hummer H3: $535.
Sail and Sign Card: $255.
Fiscal Funds spent off boat:$400.
It was well worth the money!
Gas to and from Mobile, AL in our Hummer H3: $535.
Sail and Sign Card: $255.
Fiscal Funds spent off boat:$400.
It was well worth the money!
& More On Our Vacation!
***Friday, 9/5/2008***
We were back on the road by 8:30 and we were heading toward Washington, D.C. at about 12:30. Once we arrived in DC our GPS started doing funky things. Apparently tomtom hasn't updated it s mapping for that area. It had us going in circles so finally we started using a map to the point where we could find a place to park. We parked the Hummer, once we got out and started walking away from the car someone yelled---"Hey you drive a Hummer H3!" DH got nervous and decided that might not be the best place to leave it. So we decided to drive around until we found a secured parking garage. The ceiling in those garages are LOW! we had 4 inches to spare. We walked to the National Air & Space Museum.
Once inside we immediately walked to the flight simulator section so Doc could see if hey wanted to try it out. We did. It was the coolest. Doc was the Pilot and I was the gunner. I got 8 hits out of 10 . I thought that was good. I didn't realize that it was actually go upside down. I yelled , "Oh Shit" the first time. It was pretty funny when we got out. I guess the workers kept hearing me yelling and laughing.
Here are some pictures that we took while inside the museum.

We were back on the road by 8:30 and we were heading toward Washington, D.C. at about 12:30. Once we arrived in DC our GPS started doing funky things. Apparently tomtom hasn't updated it s mapping for that area. It had us going in circles so finally we started using a map to the point where we could find a place to park. We parked the Hummer, once we got out and started walking away from the car someone yelled---"Hey you drive a Hummer H3!" DH got nervous and decided that might not be the best place to leave it. So we decided to drive around until we found a secured parking garage. The ceiling in those garages are LOW! we had 4 inches to spare. We walked to the National Air & Space Museum.
We then walked so we could view the Capital with its unattractive burnt lawn
Us walking past the Washington Monument
This is the only Fallout Shelter sign that I have scene in the 5 times that I have been there... I thought it was picture worthy being so morbid.
Getting ready to go through the Baltimore Tunnel. Doc and I have decided we don't really care for tunnels much.
And getting ready to go over the Baltimore Bridge
Off to the left hand side you can see a nuclear plant --The only one we saw in our 3,200 miles that we drove that week
Hello, New Jersey--7 hours to go and we are home.
Getting ready to go through the Baltimore Tunnel. Doc and I have decided we don't really care for tunnels much.
And getting ready to go over the Baltimore Bridge
Off to the left hand side you can see a nuclear plant --The only one we saw in our 3,200 miles that we drove that week
Thank heavens for XM radio and the different city stations that tell you what the traffic is doing. We ended up going out and around NYC and the cool thing was we drove to Dover Plains, NY to see where Doc grew up. It was the first time I saw his home town and I got to see the house that he grew up in. That was really sweet. I got to see his Catholic school. It was a moment that I never shared with DH until then and I certainly won't forget it. We stopped in Greenfield, MA and slept for about 3 hours. Back on the road to VT. Crossed the border to the Green Mountain State. 90 minutes later we pulled into our driveway in Montpelier at 5:33 am. It felt so good to be in our bed!
It was an awesome awesome vacation! I can't wait until our next one!
Our Trip Continued
***Monday, 9/1/2008***
HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO US! We arrived in Progreso, Mexico at 6am. Looking out our window into the water all we could see were jellyfish.
***Tuesday, 9/2/2008***
Cozumel, Mexico: I was up early about 6:30. I wanted to watch up again pull into port. It was so great to watch it! I talked to Millie and Lawrence who were two rooms down from us to see how the day before was for them. Back to the room to shower and get ready for the beach. We did a little shopping at the pier shops first thing. Then we found the group for the Playa Mia Deluxe beach resort party. We boarded our bus and headed out to the resort. Our beach package included an open bar, Mexican buffet, beach towels, chaise chairs, ha
mmocks, pool, dressing rooms, iceberg, trampoline, kayaks, and paddle boats. It was well worth the $77/person for the day.
It was AWESOME! They brought around parrots and lizards to hold and to pose for pictures with. I passed. We sat a couple chairs away from a really nice couple from Alabama. The husband has a terrible sunburn! An Indian couple came with their two children and sat next to us. He started to put his put up this huge ass umbrella over my chair. I told Doc that we were going to have to move because there wasn't any way that I was going to sit under a chair when the point of me going to he beach was to enjoy the sun. He heard me and picked up his umbrella and other belongings in a hurry and moved back to his original spot.
I enjoyed the beach--I loved being able to put my feet in the sand, look for shells, drink strawberry daiquiris. We also loved swimming in the ocean and how could I forget the huge Mexican buffet. We boarded the bus at 2pm to
go back to the International Cruise Terminal. Once back at the ICT we caught a taxi up to the forum shops where we did some shopping. We went to a bunch of little native shops for souvenirs. We spotted a Starbucks with a straw roof.
We also visited Margaritaville.
We spotted a Mexican Army officer so Doc got a picture with him.
Back at the ICT we did some more shopping.
When boarding the boat we saw the Indian couple and their children exiting the boat... the guy didn't see that the exit had a low ceiling and he hit his head and said "Oh My" ---it was hilarious... you had to be there but that ended up being our saying for the rest of the trip. We went to dinner with Jennifer and David from Texas
and then we all went to the returning guest gala followed by the comedy show.Our towel creation of the night: a dog.
***Wednesday, 9/3/2008***
It was a fun day at sea. We started our day by going to breakfast in the Seven Seas dining room for open seating. It was a lot of fun. We sat with two much older couples. One was from Alabama and the other from Florida. They were so polite and curious about Vermont. It was nice that we got to ask them questions about the south. They all thought we would great southerns. We went back to our room showered and went to the American Lounge for Doc to attempt to win $1,000 at bingo. He was 1 number off and it was his favorite #9 that he needed. His favorite number let him down. After bingo we attended the debarking talk. Went up to the pool to relax and enjoy the sun. We were up there 5 minutes and it began to pour. We went to the hot tub where it was covered and enjoyed that until the sun came out and just as we settled back into our chaise chairs, the rain started again. We decided it was best that we go get some lunch while mother nature decided if it was going to rain or shine. We went to the pool. Doc got tired and went to take a nap while I enjoyed talking to the ladies in the pool while catching some sun. I went and met up with Doc and we both went to watch the marriage show. After the show I showered in hopes to get the salt out of my hair. I got ready for dinner and we discussed what we wanted to do for the evening. While we waited to go to dinner we packed up the majority of our stuff to get ready to debark the ship in the early morning. Went to dinner-Jen and David beat us there.
***Thursday, 9/4/2008***
Debark the Ship. We woke up @ 7am --showered and finished packing those very last few items. Got our documentation out and ready to go. We opened our cabin door and waited for our zone to be called. We thanked Desra our stateroom steward and headed down the hallway to exit. I carried my two very heavy suitcases up 2 flights of stairs and we walked down a hallway. Once at the doors we used our gold card one last time and exited the ship. We worked our way through the terminal and down the esculator and over to customs where the process lasted maybe a minute and half. Exited to the parking garage, took the elavator up to the second floor of the garage and found our girl. Doc hit the unlock button and she started blinking at us! It was a sure sign that she was glad to see us. We pulled out of the parking terminal and waved to the M/S Holiday one last time and got on the highway headed north!It was 82 degrees at 8:11 am when we left the terminal-HOT!
We ate breakfast at the Huddle House. A guy sat behind that just couldn't believe that we were from Vermont and drove to Alabama. Doc's rash on his arm got a lot worse so we had to make a quick stop to get him some cream. We then stopped again Montgomery, AL at Arby's for lunch.
Our Trip
***Thursday, 8/28/2008***
We're packed, the car is loaded, the house is clean/neat and Dominic was waiting patiently for me to figure out how to lock the door with my arms being full of junk that I really didn't need to bring with me. Things were going so well that is until we stopped for breakfast at Dunkin Donuts in Brattleboro, VT where I walked in on a little old man using the restroom. The door handle was broken so it didn't lock correctly. Once onto the open highway again we missed our exit in CT/NY and headed right threw NYC going into the Bronx. We made it back on the interstate without any any issues. We stopped in New Jersey to gas up the car for the first time and it was for $3.45/gallon--Cheap! We made our way into Pennsylvania where it was blue skies and about 85 degrees outside. We drove past the War College for the US Army---that was a real sight to see. It began to rain and the temperature dropped to 65--BRR---I had to wear a longsleeve shirt. We ate dinner that Golden Corral which I had never done before. We arrived in Knoxville, TN at 12:45ish. We stayed at the Super8. We walked into our room which was supposed to be a nonsmoking--it had clearly been smoked in at one point or another. We both decided against showering--the shower was gross--it looked like it had soap scum on bottom of the shower.***Friday, 8/29/08***
***Saturday, 8/30/08***
We got up at 7am--Showered and checked out of the hotel. We went to the Waffle House for breakfast $14 for the entire table to be completely covered in food. We drove down to the pier--told we were too early and had to go back to enter at 11am. We drove through a gorgeous neighborhood in the downtown area of Mobile. It was a neighborhood that I wouldn't mind living in. It looked like it was straight out of a movie. HUGE brick homes with big column porches--sculptures on the walkways--Gorgeous patios with water fountains--brick driveways--the foliage of their lawns were outstanding! Continued driving and ended up back at the mall where we went to Book A Million. The South's version of Border Books. Back at the Port--we were able to park our Hummer for $75. for the week and check our luggage. We got into line where we found out we were VIP's. We got put right through to go through security. We sat in chairs while we waited to go into the corporate office to receive our room keys and finalize our paperwork. We again, skipped all the lines and had our pictures taken and walked right through and onto the boat. Our rooms were not ready until 1:30 so we had plenty of time to "learn" the boat. Once our room was ready we walked in and viewed it and all hell broke loose!
We paid extra for an "ocean view" only to have the window boarded up. We went to the purser's desk--only to have the experience be less than favorable. We were not given an explanation as to why we had a board on our window. We were simply told that we could cancel our trip if we didn't like it. So back in our room Doc called Travelocity who checked the status of our room and Carnival wasn't very helpful for them either. They were told that they had plenty of empty Ocean state rooms that were available. So they said that if we didn't get anywhere with Carnival to call them back. Once we did our Muster exercise--we check with the purser's desk hoping to receive an answer this time. This time we were told that it was a hurricane cover and if we didn't like it we could call the customer service number once we disembarked the ship on the final day with any complaints. We had dinner in the Seven Seas dining room. We loved it--it was more intimate than last year. We sat at a booth with another couple from Texas they were adorable. We did a little shopping on the on board shops--the search was for rolaids for Doc. I went to bed after dinner with a killer headache while Doc went to find himself some more food.

***Sunday, 8/31/08***
Sunday was a super lazy day! I just enjoying spending the day relaxing in the sun by the adult pool! I got a little sunburn. The Captains dinner was nice. We dressed up mildly. We saw a gorgeous sunset but I missed it by about 3 minutes. Here are some photos of just how pretty it was. Although it was so hot outside that my camera fogged up from the AC inside the ship.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Time to Catch up, Again!
So we have made it home from vacation. I plan to catch up on all the vacation details on Sunday. Promise! We have plans to go to the fair tomorrow. That is granted it doesn't rain. I won't be going to fairgrounds in the pouring rain. I'm not interested in having to wear rain boots...but then again that might be fun. I love wearing my plaid rain boots out in public. Doc hates them!
See you Sunday to catch us up on all the details!
See you Sunday to catch us up on all the details!
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