Everyone warned me about the day that I would get hit with the fever.... the baby fever! I just laughed it off. I didn't take them seriously. Well, I've been struck in the head by something unknown. Every where I go there is always a baby sleeping in a stroller or an infant learning how to walk or nuclear family on the side walk. For those of you who don't use nuclear, it would be the so called "perfect family"---Perfect parents, perfect kids, perfect house with a picket fence. I have friends having babies, had babies, or like me struck in the head with the fever. I know its wrong to start preparing now for what you don't know if it will or will not happen in the future. But I see parents raising children ---its expensive... I just don't think you can be prepared enough so while baby shopping for my friend Linda's baby... I started picking up the basics for the non existent child in my life. I know, I know fucked up! Maybe tomorrow will be better.... maybe I will get the cooking fever at least Doc would be happy... he could get a day off from cooking the meals in the house :)
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