Thank you to the beautiful and talented Natalie over at
Johnny in a Dress for giving me the inspiration to make my own version of the wreath.

I probably should have used a "thinner" piece of cardboard. It was a bit difficult to slide the clothespins onto the cardboard.

59 Clothespins were used :)

I cut out the center circle using Caps medical scissors.
Shhh... Don't tell him!
Thank you Nat for saving my butt!! You mentioned in one of your posts how you use a tarp to spray paint. You saved me and Caps lawn. He thanks you too! Cherry red. A really super lovely color!
Do you know how much I love the letter E? Lots.

I love it!

I love the aqua blue ribbon!

This will soon be hung on my front door. But I think this looks really lovely against the yellow in our foyer.
Thank you again Nat for bringing the crafty out in me again!

Jax is right. It's late. It's time for bed. And I need my beauty sleep.
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