Yesterday Doc and I went shopping in Burlington because we wanted to go see the Punisher movie. Every other movie we see at the theater is the others pick. So Doc's pick was the Punisher. Once we got to the Majestic 10, we drove past to see if it was playing it wasn't--bummer. His choices were Bedtime Stories, Yes Man, 7 lbs., Benjamin Button, The Tales of Despereaux, Valkryrie, The Spirit and Marley and Me. We watched Marley and Me on Christmas which I will get into later on. We decided we would go watch 7 Ibs at 4:30. It was only 11:50 so we needed to find something to do. We ventured over to South Burlington to Eastern Mountain Sports which is one of our all time favorite stores. I found a great tech wick zip up shirt in white... oh course it was a size large---too big but not too big with a bump. Sadly, my bump doesn't exist. So I needed to find a medium if I had any intention of purchasing. So I hunted to store---I found one on a store model---Checked the tag sure enough it was my size. I started to de-robe the lady right there! Leaving her with pants and vest which managed to cover up her fake boobs. Doc found ski pants that were 50% off---SCORE! We left and went over to play it again Sports and Sally Beauty Supplies. Doc was looking for a pair of used skis for me. I'm not purchasing new skis for the maybe 3 times I venture to the mountain. He didn't find any in my size but thats alright. We'll go back in a couple of weekends to look again. I went into Sally's and picked up some new nail polish. Now if I could only find the energy to paint them :0)
For Audrey~Spontaneous~Orange knockout