Sunday, January 5, 2014

2014 {GOALS}

  1. Lose 15 pounds by May
  2. Read 1 book during each school break (0/5)
  3. Hammer QTR 2 out of the park!
  4. Survive Qtr 3
  5. Live through Qtr 4
  6. Sucessfully make it through QTR 5
  7. Sell my Vermont house!
  8. Double our emergency fund
  9. Pay off all current debt except mortgage 
  10. Organize office
  11. De-clutter office
  12. Purchase bookcase for office 
  13. Organize billing into filing cabinet
  14. Setup for guests
  15. Redo guest bathroom
  16. Purchase new stools for bar
  17. Purchase new couch
  18. Purchase entertainment center
  19. Organize master bedroom
  20. Print/frame artwork for Master bedroom
  21. Refinish dresser
  22. Replace knobs
  23. Purchase under the sink organizer for master bath
  24. Organize master closet 
  25. Refinish Master closet dresser
  26. Do Walkway planters
  27. Organize patio and make it very homey and study worthy
  28. Purchase cozy chaise chair for patio
  29. Reduce storage in Garage
  30. Book NCL Cruise
  31. Book Carnival Cruise
  32. Go camping in the Desert with the kids
  33. Go on a road trip to Colorado
  34. Tour the Grand Canyon
  35. Go to the Grand Canyon Caverns
  36. San Diego Zoo
  37. Go to water park
  38. Visit the Pacific Ocean
  39. Go to Washington, D.C. for a long weekend
  40. Escape the city and rent a house in Mt. Charleston
  41. Tour Ghost tour
  42. Have at least 4 weekends away from the city (0/4)
  43. Go hiking with Doc
  44. Go skiing with Doc at Big Bear
  45. Start running
  46. Attend at least 4 5K's (0/4)
  47. Learn to quilt
  48. Get a pedicure each school break (0/5)
  49. Get a hot stone massage
  50. Get a couples massage with D
  51. Go bowling
  52. Go to Murder Mystery Dinner
  53. Have a date night with Doc where we actually dress up (1/12)
  54. Go to a show on the Strip (1/12)
  55. Watch the sunset at least 5 times in the desert (0/5)
  56. Make new friends
  57. Have professional photos taken of D and myself
  58. Frame more pictures for around the house
  59. Keep up with printing out and albuming my weekend photos
  60. Organize my photo's on my external hard drive
  61. Get my wedding dress preserved
  62. Finish wedding album
  63. Baby proof the house (for companies littles)
  64. send out birthday cards (3/5)
  65. Send out Christmas cards
  66. Send a message in a bottle
  67. Write a love letter to my DH and send it snail mail
  68. Go through all my clothes and donate the ones I no longer wear/need
  69. Make a new E family tradition
  70. Start cooking more meals for D and I
  71. Pack D and me lunch for work at least 2x a week complete with a note inside to him :0)
  72. Have friends over for dinner
  73. Bake my own bread
  74. Make a friend a birthday cake from scratch
  75. Try Indian food
  76. Eat pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner
  77. Drink less Soda
  78. Take a cooking class
  79. Have breakfast in bed
  80. Make several fancier dinners for Doc and I
  81. Buy more fresh, organic produce
  82. Print out and organize my recipes
  83. volunteer at least 16 hours a month
  84. Establish a monthly task list and weekly goals to meet
  85. Sell those Ebay items that have been stacking up
  86. Stay positive about life and make sure to keep the negative out
  87. Recycle more
  88. Donate $4.00 to charity for each task that is not completed (charity to be determined later)
  89. As I complete each task, write about my accomplishments, set-backs, experiences, etc.
  90. Make a new list of 90 things to do by 2015!

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