Saturday, September 6, 2014

"She was a girl who knew how to be happy even when she was sad. 
And that's important."

Tuesday, September 2, 2014



The hope that my life is moving in a positive direction.  Thank you MK for this beautiful of a picture to continually give the hope I need!


Monday, September 1, 2014

History of Us

This guy entered my life and swept me literally off my feet.  He brought a smile to my face like no other. He was the perfect mix of spunk and safety that I needed most in my life. While we so different we were so alike.  We shared a passion of pinstripes, hot dogs and cracker jacks.  We both loved the smell of Vermont in the fall, apples and cheddar cheese plates late at night while watching The Shield.  We both wanted the same things in life at that time.  He quickly became my best friend, my family, my life...

In September of 2006, this guy asked me to be his wife all while sharing that favorite past time of watching our boys in the Bronx play some seriously amazing ball. 
Of course, I said "YES"

One year later, this same day September 1, 2007 we pledged our love to each other all while surrounded by our closest family and friends.  

In November 2007, we experienced one of our greatest loses. We consoled and grieved with one another as we both lost one of our favorite people that day. 

And again 9/15/2008 we suffered another great loss, our baby. The baby we both prayed for and wanted with every ounce of our being. I'm quite sure we both lost another piece of our hearts the day this happened. It was too close to not having dad with us any longer. 
July 9, 2009 we bought our little gem at the end of Elm Street.

December 17, 2009 we said, "See you at the bridge sweet boy".  Our first "child" had lost his fight with cancer and we were forced to put him to rest. 

With that loss came joy, we welcomed a new baby boy into our hearts.
Jaxson Gromit Etli arrived at the 230 HQ.

And a princess, Princess Gemma Jam in 2011!

In 2012, our worlds changed
We decided to take a plunge of a life time
Our family was moving across the country
2600 miles
No family--No friends
Just each other
You moved first
27 flights and 16 airports later
A new house  and Estelle was purchased to welcome our family to the Silver State

Tears were shed and goodbyes were spoken when I left my job at the credit union. 
Then it was time to reunite our family and move me those 2600 miles. 
So we packed our little humble abode into this box truck

We made a glorious trip out of our adventure across the nation. 

I unpacked, I settled, I made us a home. 

And it was then that our lives would be so different
It was then that I realized we had grown apart
It was then that I made the choice to go home because I simply wasn't happy with myself or you
I didn't know you and you didn't know me
I was stranger in my own home
The place that was supposed to open up a million opportunities instead opened up a can of demons

After getting my head on straight  and cutting all ties to said demons
I came back and life was amazing
We shared
We focused
We loved

We together started focusing on being better individuals to be a better couple
We were always the "power" couple
Our friends looked up to us or hated us or were jealous of us 
We were a couple of "DINKS"
Dual Income No Kids

You were accepted in the Doctorates of Nursing program 
I was never so proud of you
You are brilliant
You are charismatic
You are loving

I applied and was accepted to nursing school.
Hannah Elizabeth, future RN

You were so proud of me
You made me proud of myself
I was finally following my dreams and making things happen
I was finally happy

My third quarter started and I began to really focus on myself and school
Perhaps too much
which is okay

Life really changed in May
 Our story has taught me so much
I've learned how to love unconditionally
I've learned what happiness is
I've learned the depths of sadness
I've learned just how ugly my own mind can be at times
I've learned every one of my emotions
I've learned the true meaning of love

Love is 
loving one more than yourself
being the bigger person
saying sorry
being a friend
supporting the other person 
accepting that you can't force a change
refusing to walk away
so many other things

So with that you moved out a week ago.
You left our humble abode to venture out into the world on your own and face your own demons, alone

I have decided to face my own demons
follow my own dreams
1. Focusing on being physically fit
2. Keeping this smile on my face
3. Remaining humble while spunky

4. Becoming the best damn RN you ever did see

So while September 1, 2007 may be our wedding date 
 today September 1, 2014 may be our seven year anniversary. 
It is anything but our day today. 

However--all of this was your choice....

And today is mine
Today I'm left with a broken teacup
a half bottle of whiskey
but I'm picking up the pieces
I'm slowly gluing my life back together
Today is me recommitting my life to me
My happiness, my joy, my spirit
I deserve this
In the end it will make me a better me

#betterdaysareahead #happiestoftimestocome

And because....
this will forever be my comforting song when days are sad
just like Grandma Jewett sang to me


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

eight years later

8/25/2006 was a day when I thought my life had changed for the better.

Eight years later I walk into our home that changed from a loving place to us as roommates.... to just me and our kids. You packed up and left like a thief in the night.

You, my monks, my husband, my (supposed to be) best friend left me to pick up the pieces... all of them including a broken light bulb brushed under the counter and dirty dishes and clothes.  You of all people are supposed to protect me and not break me down. Instead you are the very person that has caused me all the pain that I'm currently suffering from in my life.

8 fucking years later---I'm making the commitment not to you but to myself to be a better friend, a better happier me. I will not let you WIN. As this was never meant to be a game of "soccer" or "tit for tat" but at this point I will not let you push me down or make me feel any less than what I do right now.

I hope your happy.... as this is truly your greatest loss in life....

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Vegas Life

I suckered him into a wine and paint date night. 1 of 3 guys among 27 women! 

Tommy Rockers "Vintage Martini Glass"
Finished products hanging on my favorite wall in the house, "the places we go..."

Can you say AWWW!

Yup, best ever beach and surf the web days! 

Oh mr. Sun please shine down on me! 
Boulder Beach, Lake Mead's and all it's beauty! 

It even rained a day! Ha. It never rains. In fact it's rained 5 days since August! 
And this very day is the day Starbucks got its Pumpkin Spice in! It's like they knew it wa perfect for this rainy day!
Dinner at Hennessey's Irish Pub in Downtown Las Vegas before the 51's baseball game. We love sitting on the deck and people watching.
 Love these seats, 19&20!
It won't be long and we'll be back to beer and peanuts and baseball pants! 
And Fireworks for each home game :)

2012-2013 Update Post

Oh My, things have changed since my last post.  

D and I vacationed in Nevada.
He in return was offered an amazing job out in southwest that was too good to not accept. It came with a promise of opportunity, continued education, sunshine and entertainment!

So D setup an E-headquarters in the west (2717 miles from our humble abode in VT). I stayed in the northeast to pack up and close up shop. 
We hauled out a 100 years worth of junk and things we just didn't use. We had to downsize for that kind of a move!
First stack
Re-stack! My OCD kicked in!

But while the process was taking place we spent months apart and flying weekends to see each other. And we were connected through our phones and FaceTime.
34 flights total! 17 airports! 1 pack back! 

I slept in airports and carried my lavender filled eye pillow for added comfort and sleep! 

When the time came I picked up the beast in Burlington and drove it to our house to load.
18'x10' no furniture- just "junk"!

I quit my $48,000 a year job(s)! 

We road tripped 4 days and 2717 miles across the country...
We set up our E-HQ in this cute southwestern estate! We even upgraded Ingrid, meet Estelle! 

In 2012-2013 we packed up our house in VT. We put up a forsale sign. We road tripped across the country. We even changed jobs and Zipcodes.

But where did we move to?