Sunday, April 19, 2009



This four letter word has taken over my life. TAKEN. Okay, perhaps willingly. Taken just the same. Since last Monday I have worked seven straight days. 73 1/2 hours. 40 hours for my credit union job. The other 33 1/2 hours for the hospital in/out registration patient area.

The willingness of giving my time to both of these places is so nice. Not many people can actually say they love their job(s). I CAN. I honestly love them. I love the people that I work with minus 1 one. That particular co-irker could be devoted to an entire entry. There is something about the both jobs that keeps me getting up and going to these places each day. The CU I love the members--they are absolutely fantastic. The patients at the hospital are wonderful. My heart aches for most of the people I see but helping them is what makes me happy.


Or the lack of is the most frustrating of all. I get home and it seems like it is time to get up and go again. I fell asleep on the couch this afternoon while eating my lunch. Doc told me that I was so tired that I was snoring. The sad part I had to get up to shower to go back into work. ha!


There are some things that I miss terribly when I work all kinds of hours. I miss spending time with Doc and Wallace is limited but greatly adored. I miss dinner time. I miss sleeping in and cuddling my boys. I miss bath time at night. And I miss doing what I want.


Why am I working all the CRAZY hours? Well, we are saving up for the downpayment on our condo, paying off my car and considering purchasing new furniture. It all takes money. Plus, I took the job at the hospital for the experience and placement on my resume. My husband is a nurse at an administrative level. We could move any where for him to get a "better" job. Which is great for him--he deserves it. I on the other hand need the experience of the hospital life so I too can get a J-O-B.

Oh well---It's one of those things that is not going going to go away for a very long time. I will need to WORK to survive. And these days it is all about survival.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!

There is so much going through my head right now about the nonreligious meaning of Easter. The more I think about the more annoyed I get about it.

Could it be that I'm bitter?

I can't help but think of the reference of "bunnies" and "eggs". Let's face it I've been working 70 hours a week and the last thing that is happening as of now is Doc and I screwing like bunnies. Or that face that I have a cyst on my right ovary and currently I'm not ovulating. I'm back on my nuvaring for a couple of reasons. The hope to get rid of the cyst that is currently residing on the premises of my open hotel. And there is that underlying factor that Doc is currently going to grad school. Oh and the fact that we still have not purchased our condo or purchased our Ikea home.

I'm not bitter, I'm just annoyed.

Doc and I didn't do anything for Easter. He bought me new Dansko clogs and I got him a new pair of Dr. Martens. Poor Walls just got his bed washed. We didn't attend Easter dinner with family, we didn't cook a fancy meal and we didn't go to a church service.

The only thing I can say is I enjoyed my weekend with my husband and our handsome baby boy Walls!